Who asked Eurydice?
As Eurydice dies prematurely bitten by a snake, Orpheus ventures into the underworld to bring her back to life, charming Hades with his music.
But what happens, if Eurydice doesn't want to return? What if she refuses to be seen as the token of his love that he needs to redeem? What if she even discards the versions of female identity offered to her? Discards them like last season's clothes? Ancient Greek myth and modern female reality are closely intertwined in Elfriede Jelinek's text, addressing us through the perspective of an unexpected speaker. What if the object of desire itself raises her voice?
I take what I can get, and this here too and that there as well. It’s to die for. And so I die, but I don’t mind, I am dead already anyway…
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Premiere am 26. Okt 2024 in Tirana
27. 28. Okt 8. 9. 10. und 22. 23. 24. Nov
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Weitere Beteiligte
Regieassistenz Endri Cela und Kevin Rrapaj Künstlerische Beratung Uwe Mattheiss Tontechnik Edi Dingu Bühnenbau Beqo Nanaj
Fotos und Trailer Marjo Cani Produktionsleitung Tirana Ada Ruci
Aufführungsrechte Rowohlt Theaterverlag
BMKÖS Albanisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft Kultur und Innovation
Die Erstellung einer Dokumentation der Theaterarbeit wird mit freundlicher Unterstützung des BMEIA ermöglicht